

Qualitative, in-depth interviews

We perform interviews with our clients' most strategic customers and suppliers in order to acquire actionable feedback that is otherwise rarely given. This is achieved through our focus on diplomacy and relationship building while utilizing our adept listening and body language analysis skills to guide the conversation. The third-party nature of this process provides a safe place for customers to give candid feedback, both positive and negative. We can also identify trends and the drivers of your clients' satisfaction. Acting upon your customers' feedback and then following up for continued understanding will help ensure a long-term, profitable relationship with them. We also assess the health of supplier relationships to reduce costs related to supplier churn.

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Due diligence for M&A

Our firm assists with target screenings by conducting interviews with a potential acquisition's key clients for added understanding of the likelihood of revenue retention. The interviews are both qualitative and quantitative in nature and also provide insight into the "human factor" of a potential acquisition. This process enhances the amount and quality of information about a target's clients. We provide these appraisals rapidly and prior to completion of the investment transaction to reduce the risk of not achieving performance expectations, or worse, making a bad purchase decision.

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Custom client relations training sessions are developed for each client and aimed at both the executive-level and key personnel that own client relationships. The individuals that attend our training sessions first learn to better understand themselves in business and then how to better understand their clients. Soft skills training topics include items such as body language in sales, micro expressions, how to deliver bad news, and other communications topics. Training classes are given in small group settings or in one-on-one, ride-along client visits where interactions are appraised and feedback given for immediate application.

As a certified Micro Expressions Coach, people usually want to be taught how to detect a lie. While that can have some benefit, our philosophy is to train people how to detect the truth, because what you look for, you will find. The reality is that there are a million reasons why someone might lie to you and you're not going to be able to discern the reason through body language analysis alone. Instead of fixating on a lie, you can be trained to recognize and then choose to view the lie as merely a signpost to point you further in the direction of where the truth might be. We teach you how to recognize and respond to true signals of emotion, rather than focusing exclusively on signals of deceit. It's a subtle, but important difference in how you choose to view life and interactions with others.